Editorial Team

General Editor

Jonathan Sorum, Th.D.

  • Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Christ School of Theology

Managing Editor

Rev. David Patterson, M.R., MLIS

  • Dean, Center for the Word, Institute of Lutheran Theology

Associate Editor

Douglas Morton, M.Div.

  • Institute of Lutheran Theology

Publication Production Editor

Martin A. Christiansen, M.A.

  • Institute of Lutheran Theology

Technology Editor

Kevin Swift, M.S.

  • Institute of Lutheran Theology

Assistant Editor

Nils Borquist, M.A. [??]

  • Institute of Lutheran Theology

Subject Editors

Biblical Theology

  • Dan Lioy, Ph.D.

Systematic Theology

  • Jonathan Sorum, Th.D.


  • Thomas Jacobson, Ph.D.

Historical Theology

  • Jack Kilcrease, Ph.D.

Philosophical Theology

  • Daniel Hackmann, Ph.D.

Book Reviews

  • Doug V. Morton, M.Div.